Episode 32 — Nightmare Fuel for Halloween

Please enjoy Obscure Chatter’s second Halloween episode!

This episode is unique in that Terri does not watch television or a film to dictate the run time. No, this time around she’s letting 6 tales of terror do that. But Terri isn’t doing this alone.

Featured Guests include Ben Phillips, Kristen McGuire, Tia Ballard, Carl G. Brooks and Hristijan Stojkovski.

Our Six Tales (in no particular order):

Terri and Stephen would like to thank everyone that submitted their stories and offered their time to Obscure Chatter this Halloween season.

If you would like to be a part of a future episode, please submit a question via [email protected] (you can even remain anonymous) OR through @ObscureChatter or @TeeDotally.

Shout out to our Ko-Fi contributors and listeners! Hope you all are staying safe, healthy and talking over TV.

Recorded at Perpetually Offbeat Studios