Episode 23 – Blithe Spirit featuring Tia Ballard

We waxed AND vaxxed.”

Since our last in-booth guest in March of 2020, we’ve done solo shows with the occasional remote movie watch to stay safe. With both Terri and her guest being fully vaccinated, we took the opportunity to get back to the way Obscure Chatter started for our August episode!

OC was blessed with a visit from the one and only Tia Ballard!

Here are a few things Terri and Tia chat about while watching [CENSORED]:

Big thanks to all that submitted questions! If you would like to be a part of a future episode, please submit something via [email protected] (you can even remain anonymous) OR through @ObscureChatter or @TeeDotally.

Shout out to our Ko-Fi contributors and listeners! Hope you all are staying safe, healthy and talking over TV.

This episode was recorded at Okratron 5000.